She groaned in a low voice, then slowly opened her eyes and looked at Hugh’s eyes in front of her. The tears seemed to have dried up completely and could no longer flow out.
She looked pale, reached out and clutched Hugh’s clothes tightly, as if grasping the last straw, dried up her lips, enunciated clearly, and said, "Leave me, leave me."
I don’t know if I’m worried that Hugh didn’t hear you clearly or if I’m strengthening my faith. She repeated this sentence over and over again in her mouth.
Hugh let the whole city wait patiently for three days and three nights in the four prisons. During these three days and three nights, the whole city was uneasy and anxious.
She looked at the sky outside. It was said that Lord Junyu had something urgent to leave the palace today and called back most of the troops in the palace, so that fewer defenders could just get her out of here.
She waited anxiously to see that the patrol in the fourth prison was gradually replaced by one of her own, and then quickly found the whole city with something prepared early in the morning
"Empress, if you take this thing, there are travelling expenses and a change of clothes. You go to the suburbs for a while and someone will meet you there. When the limelight is over, send someone to meet you."
People on death row have never rested from the torture of the whole city. She struggled to get up and then changed into Hugh Ran’s early morning clothes and came out with Hugh Ran.
Death row is full of people from Hugh Ran. When they came out, the patrol troops in the palace were also much less. Everything was just like Hugh Ran said. Hugh Ran let the whole city sit in the carriage early in the morning and then let the family drive the carriage with the whole city.
The whole city sat in the carriage with bated breath, but the guard at the gate of the palace was not heavily guarded, and the guards did not search for the carriage.
Walking out of the door, I heard the door closing, and the whole city couldn’t help but reach out and hold on to the baggage, turn around and slowly lift the curtain.
All the past scenes emerge in my mind. Jun Yujue is good, Jun Yujue loves Jun Yujue and pampers Jun Yujue. However, everything to her is gone. From now on, Jun Yujue will disappear in the heart of the whole city.
Tears lingered in her eyes, and she raised her eyes slightly to control them back. It was all over.
From then on, she was free, but she was not happy at all, but sad.
The horseshoe stepped on the green flag and made a "dadada" sound. Suddenly, the carriage stopped, and the whole city sat in it and planted it hard because of inertia. At that time, it was planted without attention.
She was sitting in the carriage trying to see what was going on outside when she heard a familiar voice from outside, "Where are you going without my permission?"
The whole eyes stare big pupils and suddenly tighten their eyes. There is a panic and tension in them. I swallowed my saliva and looked around the carriage only to find that I have no hiding place.
13 Chapter 13 Sorry, I really can’t bear it (9)
The whole eyes stare big pupils and suddenly tighten their eyes. There is a panic and tension in them. I swallowed my saliva and looked around the carriage only to find that I have no hiding place.
Her heart thumped and hesitated for a long time, sipping her lip as if she were still struggling.
"Allure, will you let you go like this?" Jun Yu Jue sounded again, and the whole city hesitated and finally went out with the baggage in its hands.
She looked at Jun Yujue outside and hesitated for a few seconds. Then she jumped out of the carriage and looked at Jun Yujue. Her eyes were no longer attached and reluctant. On the contrary, she was unusually calm and calm, without a trace of waves, and she revealed a little bit of alienation.
She walked slowly to the front of Jun Yujue, and the baggage in her hand slowly slipped from her hand and was thrown to the ground. She suddenly knelt on the ground and choked and said, "I beg you to leave me alone."
"Let you go? !” Jun Yujue frowned and bent down to lift the whole city from the ground. "You stole my heart. How can I let you go? Should I let you go? "
If Qian Qingcheng heard this, her heart would have moved, but not now. She is really tired. She has no energy to spend with Jun Yujue. Now she wants to find a place to heal silently.
She moved slowly and looked up at Jun Yujue in front of her. He was still as imposing as he remembered, and he smelled like an emperor. On the other hand, she was dressed in an ugly face and her hair was messy.
At this moment, the whole city clearly realized how far away they are. This distance is close at hand but far away. The distance is within reach, but no matter how hard you catch it, you can’t catch it.
She stared at Jun Yujue and looked at the guards who had surrounded the carriage behind her. "Aren’t you out of town? Aren’t you going to handle politics? Shouldn’t it be with miss? "
"I really went to deal with politics. I suppressed Ning Shulang and other manpower. Now Donglan country is in jeopardy."
"Ning Shulang He"
Before the whole words were finished, Jun Yujue dragged the whole city into his arms and hugged the whole city tightly, leaning over her ear and whispered, "I’ve come to pick you up. That miss is a fake Hugh Ran and Huifei and others have all been imprisoned by me. Now that everything is settled, we can be good together."
The whole city feels that its brain is not enough to finish the reaction. How can it be fake to read the meaning in Jun Yujue’s words? Doesn’t she know everything?
Jun Yu Jue missed it and abolished the Sixth Palace at all costs, as well as Hugh Ran and Hui Fei. What’s the matter?
The whole city is a little confused. I don’t know what all this is about.
"I can’t say it clearly in a few sentences, and there are some troubles in explaining it. Let’s go back to the palace and I’ll explain it to you slowly." Jun Yujue took the whole hand and walked behind him.
The whole city didn’t move. She was tortured for so long and suffered so much pain that she was perfunctory in such a simple sentence by Jun Yujue.
Chapter 14 I’m sorry, I really can’t bear it (1)
The whole city didn’t move. She was tortured for so long and suffered so much pain that she was perfunctory in such a simple sentence by Jun Yujue.
Can Jun Yujue’s own injury be remedied by saying,’ I’ll explain it to you slowly after we go back together’?
She doesn’t know where she got the strength to pull her hand out of Jun Yujue’s palm.
Jun Yujue felt that his palm fell, turned around and frowned. He kept shaking his head and looked at him with unusual firmness. "No, I won’t go with you. I won’t go back with you. I don’t want to hear any explanation. If you are worried that I will hold a grudge against you, you can rest assured that I will never hold a grudge against you, but I will never go back to that palace with you!"
Because of love, I hate it. Since I don’t love it, how can I still hate it?
Jun Yujue never expected that the whole city would say such a thing, and she didn’t expect that the whole city would refuse to return to the palace. Isn’t she worried about the children in her heart?
Everything he and that Nian Nian did was accidental. He never touched that Nian Nian. Does Qingcheng like all this? I feel bad when I see her sad. But what can I do to find out Ningshulang people? I have to do this. Why can’t Qingcheng understand him?
"Be obedient and don’t be ridiculous!" Jun Yujue’s tone of voice was cold, and many of them stretched out their hands and grabbed the whole wrist and dragged her forward.
"No, I won’t go with you. Let me go, Jun Yujue. We’re not from the same world. I can’t go into your world, and you can’t depend on me. Let’s torture each other. Maybe it’s a mistake when we meet. We can’t make a mistake again!"
The whole city has no courage to live with Jun Yujue anymore. She is so tired that she can’t keep pace with him. She wants to stop and have a rest.
Jun Yujue frowned and grabbed the whole wrist with his hands, but he forgot that this wrist had just suffered a fracture the other day. Now he holds it so hard that the whole facial features are wrinkled into a ball and his face is pale.
"Come back with me and I will explain everything you want to know. Come back to the palace with me!" He has a firm tone and a commanding tone, which allows no aggression, let alone disobedience.
Qingcheng kept slapping Jun Yujue’s palm. "Let me go. I don’t want to go with you. Let me go!"
But where is her strength? No matter how hard she struggled, she tried her best. Finally, she was dragged away by Jun Yujue. At that time, she was in the back of Jun Yujue’s hand. She did all her strength and her mouth was trembling, and soon it was filled with a strong smell of blood. But she still didn’t let go and Jun Yujue didn’t stop. She dragged the whole city to the carriage and walked towards the palace.
There are some blood stains on the corners of the whole mouth, and her hair is messy. She curled up in the corner of the carriage and ignored Jun Yujue.
Jun Yujue noticed that the whole right hand was trembling uncontrollably. He frowned and then gently held her hand.
15 Chapter 15 Is it fate or evil (1)
Jun Yujue noticed that the whole right hand was trembling uncontrollably. He frowned and then gently held her hand.
She seems to be a pile, and I don’t want Jun Yujue to touch her. When Jun Yujue approached her, she suddenly hid. She would rather endure the pain than be touched by Jun Yujue.
Jun Yujue sighed, but he always didn’t like to explain, but this time he made an exception and patiently explained his sincere attitude. He spoke slowly for fear that the whole city missed what he heard. "Actually, just now I asked Hugh Ze to investigate Ning Shulang and sneaked into Ning Shulang’s side, but I learned that Ning Shulang had the help of a mysterious person, but I didn’t know the details of the mysterious person. I suddenly appeared in front of me. You know, I’ve been looking for it for ten years over the years, but I haven’t heard anything. But she suddenly appeared in front of me one day.
"It’s all too coincidental. It’s a bit like a careful planning. My letter kept telling me something in those days. If a person was really trustworthy, she wouldn’t try to prove her identity every day. At that time, I felt that this reading was probably fake."
The whole city didn’t speak, and his arms were tightly wrapped around his eyes, showing a strong uneasiness and panic.
Jun Yujue took a sip of his lip and continued to explain, "It happened that Ning Shu Lang was extremely quiet and quiet at that time, and there was no movement. I boldly speculated that this matter was probably planned by Ning Shulang, and I was obsessed with Hugh but also had something to do with Ning Shu Lang. On the one hand, I was obsessed with acting to reduce Ning Shulang’s vigilance. I boldly abolished the Sixth Palace and publicized it to the public. At the same time, I recruited people to secretly investigate it. All this was as I speculated."
"Missing is that Ning Shulang found someone to impersonate them and colluded with the ghost doctor. According to some words, your face helped me to miss the whole thing, so’ missing’ came into being. But you have to believe me, I really love you. For missing, whether it is true or not, I am here for you." He forcibly grabbed Qingcheng’s hand and put it on his chest to pull out his palm. "But in the end, I found that Xiuran was a potential friend of mine. I know that you are wronged in your heart, but I can take care of the overall situation and completely remove all hidden details around me before I can ensure that you
"So you hurt me at all costs, don’t you?" The whole city looked at Jun Yujue with a wry smile.
These days, Jun Yujue feels bad in his heart, so as to prevent people in Shu Lang, Jeannin from finding clues. He can’t accompany her when the whole city is premature, and he can rely on others to learn whether she is doing well during this period.
I saw the whole city sneaking away from the cold palace that day, and I saw her pale face. God knows how distressed he was. He wanted to rush to hug the whole city hard, but he couldn’t bear it abruptly.
16 Chapter 16 Is it fate or evil (2)
"I know you are wronged, but I can do this. If I don’t take part in accidental amusement, I can’t talk about Ning Shulang. After I know you are wronged, I will definitely make it up to you."
"compensation? !” The whole city disdained to sneer at "Jun Yujue, how cruel are you to do such a thing? You said you love me, but you didn’t think about my feelings from beginning to end. Do you know how desperate I was when I was tortured and bruised by you?" The whole city cried, "You said you loved me, but you helped me without asking my permission. Do you love me or not? Don’t call you love with ulterior motives, it will defile the word’ love’"
"I think you will understand me."
"Jun Yujue, I am a human being, not a god, and my heart is fleshy. Did you ever think that my heart would hurt when you did that? I would be miserable. I am a person, not your tool. You want to benefit."