Damon looked slightly at each other and bowed his head respectfully.
Taking advantage of this short gap, Olga thought about his lines. "Then it depends on whether your country is going to treat this Buda Palace as a historical memorial or a future palace!"
Damien looked at Olga and smiled.
Three people continue to move forward.
When the palace was first built, people did not expect the Austrian emperor to condescend to live here for a long time, so its symbolic significance was far greater than its value, which was also confirmed.
At that end of this corridor, Damon suddenly said
"If Kaiser doesn’t mind, I’m going to fund 2000 Kyle to renovate this palace and make it a symbol of Hungarian-German friendship!"
Olger still doesn’t understand what the old man is up to, so he can respond like this, "Now that the money has been funded to the pavilion, it’s up to the pavilion!"
Then Damon’s tone became very pertinent. "Then please tell the German emperor that if he is happy sometimes, he can come and stay in this palace he rebuilt, and Hungarian citizens and I will wait for him!"
It’s a pity that Olga is silent, but the German emperor doesn’t intend to bring Hungary into his own rule. Sometimes a big country is not necessarily a good thing, and it may be better to make a country a vassal country than to annex it, without spreading a lot of problems.
Damen after dark? Luntz feasted in this palace for German guests and the main nobles in Budapest. Since the enthronement ceremony was held in 167, this palace has not been so lively for nearly half a century.
That night, I wrote to Olga in Berlin.
Pay tribute to the love of the emperor. Hungarian nobles still hope to join the state and the German Empire. China can use certain military deterrence and diplomatic persuasion to finally achieve the goal of inducing Hungary to become independent.
Lord Chapter 47 U213
On February 5, 1916, Germany’s 6 th Army took control of Bohemia, and most of the troops of the Austro-Hungarian Empire stationed in Bohemia were willing to accept the leadership of the Grand Duke of Bohemia and the new government, while other officers and men with Austrian and Hungarian identities would be repatriated after the situation subsided.
On this day, the kingdom of Bohemia officially announced its departure from the rule of Austria-Hungary, and the former Grand Duke of Bohemia ascended the throne to become the new king of Bohemia (formerly known as the Emperor). Later, the kingdom of Bohemia, Germany, signed the German-Polish alliance agreement. According to the agreement, Bohemia will become a German subsidiary country from now on. Germany will establish military bases and send troops in Bohemia, and at the same time ensure that Bohemia will not be invaded by foreign enemies. In non-war time, Bohemia will be closely integrated with Germany in economy, industry and agriculture. In wartime, Bohemia must be a solid ally of Germany in the same front.
On the afternoon of February 5th, at the invitation of Austrian aristocrats, German Foreign Minister Stresemann arrived in Adamas, Vienna by airship for talks with Austrian aristocrats. Senior officials of the central government of Austria-Hungary and the Austrian government also attended the talks, but they were placed in a pivotal position.
In the German army 6 and deterred the politicians of the Austro-Hungarian Empire from making concessions, but those soldiers, especially the generals of Germanic descent, were still trying their best to fight against the enemy.
After leaving Vienna in a hurry, Baron Condra and the Navy of Antonhaus will travel southwest along the main railway line in Austria, and some sections of the road have fallen into the hands of the Germans. They finally arrived in Klagenfurt, the southernmost part of Austria, on the afternoon of February 5. After that, they said goodbye to each other. Condra continued to move southwest while Antonhaus turned south.
Walking 50 kilometers southwest from Klagenfurt is the pre-war Italian border, and now it, together with a large area of northern Italy, has become the area controlled by the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
When the Germans invaded Austria-Hungary, there were still about 120,000 standing six armies, among which 630,000 Austrian troops invaded Austria, which was unrealistic. Only 330,000 of the 630,000 troops stayed in Austria, leaving 30,000 troops and nearly 20,000 Hungarian troops stationed in northern Italy.
Due to the abnormal attitude of the Hungarian government in recent days, the Hungarian army stationed in Italy refused to obey the command of the generals of the Austrian-Hungarian Coalition forces, and they could not close the camp. Condra, the Austrian chief of staff, had no choice but to order the remaining 30,000 Austrian troops to stand by for Udine in northern Italy and pray that the damn Italians would not make trouble at this time.
However, the Germans were not stupid. On the first day of the invasion, their special envoy in Rome contacted the Italian government. The German demand was simple: the Italians should do everything possible to delay the return of the Austrian army to the country, and the return would be rich. The northern Italy was returned to the Italian government, and the Vienna Treaty was abolished to allow Italy to rearm.
A little bit of balance. The Italians who paid the benefits actively agreed. So in the past three days, the Austro-Hungarian Empire controlled riots in northern Italy, and many railway lines were bombed. Some Austrian barracks were attacked. More than a dozen Italian guerrillas annoyed the Austrian army during the March. Until Condra arrived in Udi, 30,000 Austrian troops were not finished. In addition to the Hungarian army, other countries in the Austro-Hungarian Empire army included the Kingdom of Dalmaya. The armies of the Principality of Bukovina and the Principality of Salzburg are willing to obey the command of the Austrian, so that they can have 360,000 soldiers in Condra’s hands. He will face the German 1st Panzer Corps and the 4th and 5th regiments, which have entered the south of Austria. The 1st Panzer Corps, led by the famous guderian, is called the elite of the 6th German Army.
In this situation, Condra led the troops that had been tied up eastward into Croatia, Austria-Hungary, and ordered the remaining Austrian troops to move closer to himself in an attempt to resist the German attack in the east coast of Venice Bay with the Austro-Hungarian navy.
In the southernmost part of the kingdom of Croatia and Slovenia, the largest naval base of the Austro-Hungarian Empire-Pula Military Port stands at the southeast exit of Venice Bay. Soon after Baron Condra arrived in Udi, the Austro-Hungarian Navy returned Anton House to his own harbor. In the future, House said that it is fortunate that although his naval officers and men are also complex in ethnic composition, they are all recruited by the Austrian navy, and Hungary has never had a navy in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and its influence is relatively small.
Fourteen years ago, Pula was a small fishing village, but after nearly 70 years of construction, it has become the largest military port in Austria-Hungary and the largest military port and shipbuilding base in the whole Mediterranean. Now Pula military port is equipped with strict anti-submarine nets and strong fortress ports, which are many excellent deep-water berths and large dry docks for building and repairing warships.
19o419o5 The Russo-Japanese War gave navies a very good research example. After the fall of Lushun, the so-called first fortress in the Far East, countries realized that the defensive mode of the past seaport fortress was outdated, so in the years after the Russo-Japanese War, countries renovated and rebuilt their naval bases one after another, and Prajun Port was no exception. In addition to adding cannons with larger caliber and longer range and capable of designing fortresses in six directions, Prajun Port was built to face six special defensive offensives, including forts, forts and infantry defense lines. The garrison of the fortress was increased to 17,000.
Anton House will soon receive the Baron de Condra after returning to Pula Military Port.
On the night of February 6th, when the vanguard troops of the 1st Panzer Corps of Germany crossed the border of the kingdom of Croatia and Slovenia, the Anton House Navy will reach the order of the fleet to set sail.
As the sailing signal flag rises in the port, the steel hills in the Pula military port move slowly, with red and white Austro-Hungarian flags flying in the wind, and mighty cannons turning left and right with the turret, each sailor’s face is full of seriousness. They are not going to cruise but to fight!
At present, the Austro-Hungarian navy is divided into three main fleets, one is stationed in the Strait of Gibraltar, the other is stationed in Taranto, Italy, and the last is stationed in Puerto Plata. The Turkish fleet is also the largest of the three fleets. House directly commanded the Turkish fleet, which has 9 battleships, 9 cruisers, 32 destroyers, 3 torpedo boats, 19 minesweepers, 26 gunboats, 2 seaplane carriers, 16 submarines and 59 transport ships, accounting for nearly half of the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Navy.
At that time, the masts on the sea were like forests and flags were flying.
How can such a grand scene escape the eyes of German submarines? Three German submarines-U213, u226 and u31o-lurked outside the Pula military port. Almost at the first moment, they showed the fleet that was leaving the port. They leaned toward the channel exit in the dark while reporting to the Tunisia base.
Germany and Austria have not officially declared war at this time. Before the German high command, the German fleet operating in the Mediterranean region was ordered to fight back in self-defense if attacked by an Austro-Hungarian ship. If the opponent is not hostile, it is necessary to decide whether to attack according to the order of the fleet commander.
It’s a pity for experienced German undersea hunters to miss such an opportunity, but they mainly monitor until they get instructions from Mediterranean Fleet Command.
At present, the three German submarines on duty near Pula Port are all u2-type medium-sized submarines. Most of the officers and men have served in the Mediterranean region for half a year, and many of them have participated in a war veteran. Among them, Major Fabian flink, captain of u213, is an excellent submarine commander who has sailed more than 100 times and achieved a total record of 120,000 tons. Forty-one sailors on his boat also participated in a blockade that stifled the British sea transportation line with this submarine.
Although the outside environment is dark and windy, the u213, a u2 submarine, can still judge the size and orientation of the other surface ship by its advanced technology.
The first to sail out of the channel was a group of 3oo-ton offshore gunboats, which were very active in the Italian campaign to shell Italian port facilities and support the attack of six armies. Usually, this gunboat in Austria-Hungary was equipped with 23 1o5 or 152mm naval guns, while the auxiliary weapon was 12 machine guns, with very weak armor and shallow draught, which was very harmful to torpedo attack.
It is well known that the German submarine force is powerful, and it seems that the Austrian people dare not wait to see the gunboats circling around the nearby sea after leaving the port, as if to interfere with the German submarine’s audio and video.
During the German war, the allies of the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Navy were quite familiar with the equipment of the German Navy and were particularly interested in the two weapons, namely, the Na-depth charge and the deep-water charge. For strategic reasons, the German Navy neither refused nor handed over the equipment, but handed it over to the Austro-Hungarian Navy with lower technical level and original equipment. For example, the detection range of the Na-depth charge was less than 1 nautical mile, and the power of the deep-water charge was only half that of the German equipment.
Even so, after the invasion of Austria by the Sixth German Army, the German submarine forces were told that their opponents would be more dangerous than Britain and France this time.
There are still about 3 nautical miles away from the channel exit of Prajun Port. Major flink ordered the submarine to shut down the motive. At this time, the submarine instrument showed the standard periscope depth of 10 meters.
In a short time, the motive sounds of the two German submarines were not heard. It seems that their captains are also preparing to adopt the same tactics ―― waiting for him.
It wasn’t long before the second Austro-Hungarian ship sailed out of the channel. Judging from the motive sound, flink judged that the tonnage of these ships was much larger than that of gunboats. It should be a first-class warship of cruisers or destroyers. In fact, it was indeed the first detachment of Austria ―― two 4ooo-ton cruisers and five 1ooo-ton destroyers.
At this time, u213, except for the soldiers, most people put their ears to the bulkhead to listen.
Suddenly, Na Bing picked up an earphone and turned to report to Major flink, "There is a warship coming towards us!"
"Put away the periscope!"
After the periscope was put on, flink didn’t wake up without saying a word, and everyone remained absolutely quiet.
Soon the propeller buzzed from the surface, from fuzzy to clear, and finally to loud roar
In this era, the displacement of destroyers is usually less than 2ooo tons, and the waterline is usually put away at 5 meters. The periscope u213 is not worried about the collision of the other side, but it is very likely that they will miss the report from Tunisia, because the submarine can communicate through line short wave when sailing on the surface of the water and in the periscope state, but this communication method will not work in the water, because the short wave decays too fast in the water, and it will be exhausted before it reaches the surface. Therefore, it is necessary to put the antenna out of the water to properly mine buoys. Wire or buoyancy antenna can solve this problem, while German submarine designers connect the antenna to the periscope so that the submarine can receive information from the outside if the periscope extends out of the water.
However, this way of communication is exposing itself, and the communication distance is also greatly restricted. It was very good to reach this level in 1916.
When the Austro-Hungarian navy warships passed overhead, everyone in the u213 submarine kept a calm expression. In fact, most people still sweated in their hearts.
After the roar, the buzz gradually decreased and finally faded away.
Everyone just breathed a sigh of relief but heard Na Bing say, "It’s back!" "
After two round trips, the Austrian destroyer finally left.
"The other party is really cautious! It seems that it is not easy to fight today! " Although flink said this, there was no depression in his words. On the contrary, in his opinion, the more cautious the other party was, the more he said there was a big fish behind him!
After that, Frink made the light in up periscope very weak tonight, and the visible distance of the sea was very limited. The small periscope was easily hidden in the undulating waves, but the brightly lit ship of the Austro-Hungarian Navy was particularly conspicuous in the dark.
With one Austro-Hungarian naval warship sailing out of the channel, more and more warships gather outside Pula military port.
Soon after, flink received an order from Tunisia, which was signed by speer, commander of the Mediterranean Fleet.
"According to the imperial high command secret order, once the main force of the Austro-Hungarian navy leaves Hong Kong, it will be closely monitored. If it is attacked by the other side or finds an excellent opportunity, it can also be attacked! In addition, we have ordered our submarines to come to the Adriatic Sea. If the Austro-Hungarian Fleet tries to enter the Mediterranean Sea, it will spare no effort to stop it! "
The devil Chapter 40 Lightning strike
In late spring, the cold sea breeze in the northern Mediterranean is still mixed with deep chill.
There are a large number of Austro-Hungarian naval warships waiting to leave the port near the channel of Prajun Port. Every one or two minutes, the lighthouse of the port will give a signal, and then another warship will slowly enter the channel leading to the outer port.